
Al Zaeem is committed to making this website accessible to the broadest possible audience, regardless of technology or physical capability. To this end, we are working constantly to improve the overall usability of the site, using Web site Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA Success Criteria. We have designed this portal with enhanced features and included latest AI-powered accessibility tools. Read about them here and find out how you can use them to your maximum benefit.

This portal is made accessible to you by combining features from the portal and the browser. Here are some of the accessibility features of the portal:

Site map

The Al Zaeem follows the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to maintain the structure of web content and ease navigation of the website. This makes browsing and accessing information and services easier.

Responsive web design

The design of this portal is optimised for different screen sizes such as those of mobile phones, tablets, desktops and TVs.

Ability to zoom

If you are having difficulty reading a text or viewing images, you can select ‘Zoom’ from the browser option to zoom in and enlarge the screen.

Ability to change text size

If you experience difficulty reading the text on the computer screen, you can enlarge or reduce the text-size by pressing the Ctrl and + key to increase the text size, or Ctrl and - keys to decrease the text size. Pressing the Ctrl and the number 0 keys resets the default size.

Keyboard support

The portal can be browsed using a keyboard by pressing the Tab, Shift and Enter keys.

Scroll up button

You can use the scroll up button to go to the top of the page at the click of a button.